So I'm now in the second week of classes and things are going.... well they're just going. The most difficult thing for me right now is calculus. My prof moves a little fast and some of the stuff he teaches us isn't in the book. Otherwise it's alright. On the positive side, we started playing soccer here. Originally we all thought it was just going to be a intramural thing, however, yesterday we found out that Stepan, our coach signed us up for a tournament in May. We get to play teams from Athens and Bulgaria as well as some other countries. I think most of us are looking forward to it. It should be an absolute blast! We definitely aren't the most skilled team but I think we will have a lot of fun together. There isn't too much going on right now. Just kind of living the routine life right now but Carnival is happening this weekend, you'll hear more after I experience it. I've heard that it's like Halloween and mardi gras all in one. And there is lots of food, mostly meat, yum :D Other than that I have a school related visit to an Archaeological Museum in the city this weekend which should be amazing. I've got some other trips planned for the near future but you will hear about those when they happen. Thanks for reading :D Stay tuned.

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